A drummer friend asked for suggestions about getting in shape. This is for folks who aren’t already doing this stuff. Here’s my general advice to anyone that doesn’t have specific medical issues, etc..:
- eat a fruit or vegetable dish with every meal – you should eat 3-5 meals a day
- stretch every day
- do strength training 3 times a week – you don’t have to go to the gym, you can do pushups and situps
- do something active every day or almost every day for at least 30 minutes. If you have a sitting job, you can still walk, dance, run, play sports, do yoga for a bit
- take care of general wellbeing…teeth, skin, hair
- wear shoes that don’t hurt your feet…or at least find some good insoles
- drink plenty of good water
- focus on heart rate, blood pressure instead of weight…your body will find its ideal weight naturally once you treat it right
- sleep a good amount – if you haven’t slept enough then you should take a nap/siesta
- well there’s plenty of other stuff but hope that helps