Music Self improvement

Learning Alone Together

For all you aspiring jazz guitarists – check out the Jazz Guitar Forums. I particularly like the Practical Standards Group. Folks are very supportive of other folks efforts to create music in the jazz realm.  I’ve definitely learned a lot because the recording process forces you come to terms with your playing at that moment […]


Learning music by ear and by sight

I had an interesting conversation with a fellow local musician after a game of soccer.  At some point the conversation turned towards having a great ear.  I told him that since I could sight read pretty well, I hadn’t developed my ear as much as I wanted to.  For some reason, I almost always skip […]

Music Self improvement

My Top 15 transcription wish list

Here’s my top 15 solos that I want to learn and am in the process of learning at the moment: So What Miles Davis So What Cannonball So What Coltrane Milestones Miles Davis Milestones Cannonball Milestones Coltrane The guitar on Diamonds on Soles Beat It Van Halen solo Coltrane Giant Steps Green Dolphin Street Coltrane […]