Llegar temprano

Consejo para estar bien preparado por el concierto

La lucha entre los musicos y llegar temprano al concierto es grande! Al menos es para mi, seguramente. Los musicos del barrio tienen muchas abilidades pero se le olvidan estar listo. Hay muchas razones. Para tocar musica en vivo, uno trae tantas cosas. Por ejemplo, un guitarrista tendria un amp, la guitarra, los cables… ademas algunas otras cosas espeficas. En general, los musicos estan pensando tanto en la musica y por eso nunca aprenden el arte de llegar temprano. Seguramente soy un estudiante de los dos artes! Despues de llegar algunas veces, vas a comprender que es mejor a estar tranquilo antes de tocar.  (Bueno, depende de las circunstancias de dia…)

Por el contrario, probablemente va a ser un tiempo cuando lleges tarde. Yo siempre intento conservar la serenidad. Si voy a tocar, necesito enfocarme en la musica. Alguna gente solamente puede pensar en estar tarde y creo que este sea un distraccion enorme.  If you already are going to be late, let people know. Also, stay calm. I try to focus on my breathing. In any case, plan to be early.
Getting there early

Here’s some advice I would give myself:

1. Prepare directions the night before
2. Plan extra tranportation time
3. Pack your bags the night before
4. Plan enough time to be there at least a half an hour early.
5. Make sure you allow enough time to get ready
6. In general, do everything you can the night before


Make sure you work out transportation to the gig. If you figure out how to get to the gig, you can save that time the next day. Don’t forget to allow extra time. You want to make sure you can still make the gig even if you encounter a lot of traffic or any other normal delay in getting from point A to point B.
Night before

I try to pack my bags the night before. Or at least arrange everything next to each other. This removes the possible last minute rush to find the missing cuff links or something – not like I use cuff links more than once a year.

Preparing the night before means going through the songs you are going to play. Learning the difficult parts and learning the changes.
The hour before you leave

One thing that really gets every time – allowing enough time to get ready. I always forget that a shower takes 15 minutes, not 10 because you have to dry off and get into to your new clothes. And then in the last few minutes I can’t find my keys or my belt. What seems to help is putting everything in a pile well before the time to leave. Then I can see everything and not have to look at the last minute.

Other last minute distractions are dirty dishes, unlocked doors, etc. I guess it depends on the person.

Hope this helps!
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